i've created a new blog. http://shanabanana-banana.blogspot.com/
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
today,starwalk = tired
i'm so tired.
i cant even open my eyes lor.
but i love today.
so this morning i went starwalk with a bunch of friends.
after that i went for prayer in church.
alot of ppl didnt come.
so me,Joon,Joshua and Ping only.then only came Serene and Jane.
it was nice. i mean the feeling is nice. being able to really pray and really talk to God.
came back at 6.30pm.
so yeah i'm tired.lol.
been out the whole day and my aunts are all here so it'll be even more tiring.
i still have add maths to do. how la you tell me ?
okay fine. i'm just gonna do it later.
much much later.
so i'm going to eat now. bye.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
him .
how come guys are just so hard to understand ?
i'm getting a tad bit tired trying to get to know you . and you just comepletely cut me off as if i'm not even there . and you are so anti-social and turn your face away everytime someone tried to talk to you . i mean , what's your problem ? we've talked in msn like a few times so that wont be a problem talking face to face right ? psh . i'm really pissed off . i just wish i had more time to think but heck , school's starting tomorrow . and jee didnt reload for me so that means i cant talk to him or sms that fella . okay . fine . i'll pray for him . hope that God can change him . yep . so yeah . i'll go pray now . bye .
Friday, June 6, 2008
NIki , dont put that picture of us okay .
we'll take a few more then only we'll upload it la okay ?
i'm currently veryveryveryvery bored .
and the people i wanna talk to didnt come online .
OH and it's raining means no Astro .
so what am i supposed to do ?
andAND my mum wont let me go out for the rest of the holidays .
i didnt even go anywhere besides camp . AARGHH .
life's so not fair .
BUT , i'm happy because i've just got a new 'brother' . (:
and i love him very much by the way . :)
so ,
CLAR : thanks for being my brother . although we havent known each other long but i still LOVE YOU . :)
i need a nap .
later .
i haven't been blogging much here nowadays. well, probably because i've been busy with my own one.
So, yeah i'm here to prove that i'm not selfish in only letting Shana revive this blog. Haha, holidays have been alright. Usually, i would feel that the hols would pass so fast. But this timei feel very draggy. I mean it takes almost like a gazillion years for a day to pass.
I wake up in the noon.
Watch some telly
Come online
watch telly again
read books , magazines
come online again
and then go and take a shower.
I'm looking forward to going back to school
Oh, and i watched Chronicles Of Narnia Prince Caspian twice. I dont know why but i just cant seem to keep my eyes of that Prince. He's not handsome. He's just dashing and nice to watch. Haha, and i know Shana's crazy over him too aite?? BAHAHAA. this second movie was actually better than the first one with more interesting scenes and a lot of war here and there but its definitely good. Less Of Aslan is seen here but more of Caspian.
So, yeah i'm here to prove that i'm not selfish in only letting Shana revive this blog. Haha, holidays have been alright. Usually, i would feel that the hols would pass so fast. But this timei feel very draggy. I mean it takes almost like a gazillion years for a day to pass.
I wake up in the noon.
Watch some telly
Come online
watch telly again
read books , magazines
come online again
and then go and take a shower.
I'm looking forward to going back to school
Oh, and i watched Chronicles Of Narnia Prince Caspian twice. I dont know why but i just cant seem to keep my eyes of that Prince. He's not handsome. He's just dashing and nice to watch. Haha, and i know Shana's crazy over him too aite?? BAHAHAA. this second movie was actually better than the first one with more interesting scenes and a lot of war here and there but its definitely good. Less Of Aslan is seen here but more of Caspian.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
water games = fun
i'm so happy today .
know why ?
because i got to know a few friends .
okay .
there's Wong Yong Hung , Joel Lai , Shaun , and Ben .
John Boi came too . was like so happy to see the campers from YACF .
i miss them alot . especially John Boi .
ahhhh . miss him .
oh and i got Yong Hung's contact so i'll be dragging him to church la .
hahahaha . evil , i know . x)
oh and we had games today . water games .
it started raining halfway , so everyone just like used the water and splash it on anyone they can find .
it was , without a doubt , the best water game this year .
with friends and everything = perfect , aye ?
too bad some of my friends ddint come .
Clarence , hope you'll spare some time to come to our church la .
and Niki , i really hope you can join us next time .
Thursday, May 29, 2008

some of the pictures i grabbed from jane's blog .
YACF camp .
it was , like i said , awesome .
i made heapsa friends there .
among them are CLARENCE , SHAS , GRACE , JONAN , THEO , CHRIS , ABEL and last but not least lil JOHN BOY !
haha .
yeahp . i love them .
oh and i also love my friends there la .
i didnt bring my camera so i couldn't upload any photos .
sorry .
but i promise to get the videos from Jonan and upload it .
my group name is OURLAW PROWLER .
eventhough we didn't win but at least we had fun .
actually the place is more like a kampung campsite .
it has bugs everywhere but it was okay .
i'm so impressed because the commitee did a great job on putting the camp together and making it an experience that we'll never forget .
the prayer is new to me and i didnt know that there's so many people so hungry and desperate for God .
to me , praying is just like closing your eyes and mumble up something then amen .
no , it's about talking to God and thanking Him for eveything he's done for us .
during prayer , everyone was speaking in tounges and cryin out to God , including me .
and Ps BEN is G.R.E.A.T.
the games was heaps fun too , aye ?
we dipped onto the dirty pond during station games .
and ew , we drank water+break+colouring .(Jonan's game)
Theo's game was fun .
but when Jane and me were about to break the record , Shas pulled the vine and i just couldnt gripe it then i just screamed and fell into the mud water . thanks Shas .
there's this game called WHO'S THE GENERAL and we're supposed to fund out who the general is and all .
but we got tortured by the commitee .
and they were making ppl say 'CLARENCE , YOU'RE GAY'
and in the end Theo asked a group to say 'CLARENCE , YOU'RE NOT GAY ANYMORE . I'M SORRY . DONT BE OFFENDED'
hahahahaha . hilarious . and i bet Clarence was enjoying it . :P
almost towards the end of every session , Ps BEN will make an alter calling .
and everytime i went up there and cried my heart out to God .
and on the last day , i finally feel the holy spirit in me . i'll never forget that feeling .
I wanna do a shoutout to a few people .
Theo : thanks for that advice you gave me . i'll never forget it . you're a nice person and i'll never forget what u said to me during the camp . i'll mis you alot and hope i'll get to see you again .
Shas : you've put alot of work and effort into this camp and it turned out beautifully . thanks for everything . I'll miss you alot and i hope to see you again .
Clarence : haha . i know i should eat my dinner . but that time no mood la. thanks . and you're not gay . you never were . :D and you're so friendly . its nice to meet you . will miss you alot . see you soon .
John Lai : you're too cute man . hahaha . just wanna pinch you more and more . love you . p.s. you're the best camper in our group . :)
JANE , ABEL AND CHRIS , you guys are the best teammates ver . thank you so much . i'll miss you guys .
the camp will always be tattooed in my heart forever .
okay i know by now no one will read it cuz it's too long and boring right ?
haha . but i dont care , NICK LIM . :P
actually i wanna write a whole lot more but nahhhh .
think i'll do that in my diary .
okay . i'm done .
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