Sunday, March 16, 2008

Niki's turn=)

LOL, alright i'm here to do my part. Why?
Yeah, Shana has been ever so NICE and DILIGENT to blog. XD

Everything has been pretty hectic lately especially homework and all. Imagine, holidays also u have a bunch of homework piling up. *jumps down building and dies*. LMAO anyway, i've been missing our sleepovers LIKE ALOT lately. LOL, remembering us staying up all night and talking all the nonsensical crap.

Requesting ice-cream at 4.00 a.m and talking about who we'd be engaged to next time when we grow older is DEEEEEPPLLLLYY MISSSSEEDDDD!!!!!!

p.s Shana wants to marry ice-kacang man in stadium. *LMAO*
I'm gonna travel around the world in my private jet with a hot hunky guy in hot aviators* hahahahah*

*someone pls help me understand PHYSICS, maybe a hot PHYSICS guru would do =P*

toodles =)

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